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Healthy Living Guide - Wellness Articles

In 1994 I was struck down with a sudden and severe case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. This was when it was being called the yuppie flu and the medical community knew very little of the cause or how to treat it. After getting progressively sicker for almost 4 years and developing chemical sensitivities, digestive system problems and mental health issues, I was lucky enough to find a GP who was working with the research team at Newcastle University and I was eventually diagnosed with Rickettsia, a rare bacterial infection. By this stage it had ravaged my body and I have spent the last 25 years working closely with a naturopath, doctors and other natural therapists to find the happy place where my body and mind will allow me to lead a relatively normal life as long as I am careful with my surroundings and what I do with the energy I am granted each day.

Researching products that reduce the chemical load on your body and a handful of hard to find supplements and health products is at the very core of what this store is all about, even though it’s a small part of the product range. We don’t jump on fads here, they may make a quick buck, but I like to sleep at night. I am always happy to talk to customers who have chemical sensitivities and help them choose or avoid the right products. While I have a wealth of knowledge and I am a Health Coach, I don’t hand out health advice. I am always happy to share experiences and direct you to the correct trained professional for your own healing journey.

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Joanne Swadling

Shop Naturally Founder & Owner since 2009

Latest Articles

  1. Joanne on the fantastic Podvan Podcast Ep 42 with Rabbit

    Joanne on the fantastic Podvan Podcast Ep 42 with Rabbit

    Last weekend I packed about 20 musical instruments in my car and headed down to Umina Beach meet up with the Podvan Podcast on collectables. You'll find me in Episode 42 at the 39th minute. I have been
  2. Sylk Lubricant Availability in Australia

    Sylk Lubricant Availability in Australia

    UPDATED JUNE 2024 While we still have Sylk Lubricant listed on our store, and the official Sylk Lubricant site is still online, we have no ETA about whether it's coming back in 2024, or if it's ever coming
  3. Using a tongue drum to play the ’Simon’ musical memory game with your kids

    Using a tongue drum to play the ’Simon’ musical memory game with your kids

    A musical memory game is fun, engaging and educational. As well as running Shop Naturally and selling tongue drums and kalimbas, I am a classically trained musician and I run music classes in my music studio, mainly using
  4. The benefits of self love

    The benefits of self love

    UPDATE: this product is no longer sold at Shop Naturally. Vibrators have become mainstream and are available in many stores that don't only sell sex toys. We are no longer selling anything in this category but we were
  5. Wet Wipes Warning

    Wet Wipes Warning

    This wet wipes warning is something all parents should be aware of. You may notice that we’re not big on the ‘danger danger Will Robinson’ blog posts around here, but once in a while I’ll see something credible
  6. Can you use human shampoo on dogs when it's natural?

    Can you use human shampoo on dogs when it's natural?

    One question we get asked a lot is can you use human shampoo on dogs when it's a sulfate free shampoo or natural shampoo. If your dog doesn't have sensitive skin, as a one off, you're probably not
  7. 7 things you can do with Olive and Bee Intimate Cream other than using it for sex

    7 things you can do with Olive and Bee Intimate Cream other than using it for sex

    The makers of Olive and Bee Intimate Cream have produced a product whose primary goal was to help with the management of pelvic pain, not lube for sexual intercourse, so the formula is very different, and as a
  8. Does water based lubricant kill sperm?

    Does water based lubricant kill sperm?

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  9. How to add essential oils in the bath the safe way using only natural ingredients

    How to add essential oils in the bath the safe way using only natural ingredients

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  10. Should I swap to an SPF50 natural sunscreen?

    Should I swap to an SPF50 natural sunscreen?

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    Essential Oils for Anxiety - TGA Approved

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    Jojoba Oil as lubricant, is it safe? 3 issues you may not be aware of

    Is jojoba oil as lubricant a safe option? Jojoba oil can be a great natural lubricant alternative when you don't have a formulated product with you, but it should only be used with some restrictions and warnings. We

Items 1 to 12 of 63 total

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