FAQ: can I put apple cider vinegar in a stainless steel water bottle? 1 simple answer.
Q. Can you put apple cider vinegar in a stainless steel water bottle?
A. Yes. According to the Bragg official website, stainless steel barrels are a part of the manufacturing process. Why would you want to put apple cider vinegar in a stainless steel water bottle?
- As a part of a salad dressing for a picnic
- A splash in your drinking water
Putting a splash of apple cider vinegar in to your drinking water is a remedy often used by naturopaths (and one by our own consulting naturopath, Central Coast's Julie McNab), as it helps to stimulate and aid the digestion of protein. It is also perfectly safe to put milk & fruit juice in a water bottle made from food grade stainless steel.

Is it safe to drink apple cider vinegar every day?
It's important to know a few guidelines when you decide to drink apple cider vinegar, whether you're doing it to aid digestion or for other reasons.
- As a general guide, you shouldn't consume any more than 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar a day. Why? Drinking too much can lower the potassium levels in your body. This can lead to fatigue, cramps, confusion, tingling and numbness in the body and it can even affect your heart rhythm.
- If you're taking diuretics, laxatives or meds for heart disease or diabetes, have a discussion with your doctor before routinely consuming apple cider vinegar daily.
- Due to the high acid content of apple cider vinegar, like lemon juice, you shouldn't drink it straight. Dilute it with water or have it in a drink or a salad dressing. If you're not eating straight after, brush your teeth. The high acid content can damage your teeth. To stop the effects on your teeth, you can choose to drink it through a straw, but it still needs to be diluted enough not to damage your throat, so please ensure it's not too strong.
- If the taste is a bit too much for you, try adding a little honey in with the water that you dilute the apple cider vinegar with.
How to clean a stainless steel water bottle after storing apple cider vinegar in it
Despite the clever name, stainless steel is not actually stainless and it will rust if not taken care of properly. Regularly wash your stainless steel drink bottle with warm soapy water and allow to completely dry on a drying rack before the next use. Any stubburn residue can be removed with a paste of bi-carb soda (the cheap stuff from the supermarket is fine) and a bottle brush.
If that doesn't do the trick, the combination of bi-carb and a splash of vinegar (ironically) will bubble up and help with the cleaning. You don't need to waste your apple cider vinegar on the cleaning though, any cheap white vinegar from the supermarket is perfectly fine for cleaning and they are two food grade ingredients found in many natural cleaning kits under the skin. It's a super cheap and effective way to clean.
What are some of the top uses for apple cider vinegar?
- To pickle or preserve food
- As a base for a salad dressing
- To rinse hair after shampooing (a 1:1 ratio dilution with water is ok for most, but if you have sensitive skin, make it a weaker solution)
- To wash the residue off fruit & vegetables. Some fruit & veg wash products make the suggestion that you should add ACV to the water along with their product to make it more effective
- Add to the water when you're poaching an egg to keep the whites together
- As a base for a steak marinade for a sweet and sour flavour
- Spray on weeds in your garden to kill them