Natural Health is a category in our store that, like our food section, is not full service. There is an abundance of mainstream options in supermarkets and chemists alike. This wasn’t the case several years ago. We still hold a small section of health related products that are harder to find. Some have an eco twist or hold a specific interest for gut health due to the research involved. Many products are listed with the TGA. When they are, we include the AUST L number and recommend you seek independent medical advice if you are treating a specific medical issue.
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Natural Health is a category in our store that, like our food section, is not full service. There is an abundance of mainstream options in supermarkets and chemists alike. This wasn’t the case several years ago. We still hold a small section of health related products that are harder to find. Some have an eco twist or hold a specific interest for gut health due to the research involved. Many products are listed with the TGA. When they are, we include the AUST L number and recommend you seek independent medical advice if you are treating a specific medical issue.